Eli5 why hippos can’t swim because of their weight yet blue whales can


Eli5 why hippos can’t swim because of their weight yet blue whales can

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13 Answers

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There are two reasons! But you should know that hippos do swim, they just don’t dive. They love floating in rivers!

Inside many creatures in the sea is a special bladder. This bladder fills not with water or pee, but with fat or air! Those with air, release it when they need to sink, fill it with air when they need to rise.

You know how when butter is in the fridge, it’s hard but when it warms up in the pain, it becomes a liquid? That hard fat is heavier than the liquid. This is how fat bladders work.

Many whales have this body part, hippos do not.

Hippo skin and bones are made to help them live on land. The skin is tough and the bones are heavy. Water is comfortable because it eases their weight and they have a lot of fat to help them float. However, it doesn’t harden! Their skin and bones are pretty dense, meaning it is not very safe for them to float in deep water. They also can’t hold their breath!

Whales are large but not dense at all for their weight. They have special filters and a way to get rid of the water that they breathe in: spouts! They can blow all the water out!

Hippos can look cute, but they are very dangerous and can attack people. Many people who work with them say they are mean and bad tempered!

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