eli5 Why/how do muscles shrink?


You get sore muscles when you train, because you muscle strings rip and when they heal, your muscles grow. As far as I know. So why and how do they shrink?

In: 213

18 Answers

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The human body runs on a use it or lose it principle. Having large muscles to maintain if you are not constantly using them is detrimental to survival in the long run. Especially if you are not consuming large amounts of protein. If you have all this protein need and not enough incoming protein to maintain it your body says “it’s free real estate” and consumes any extraneous protein in muscle tissue reducing its mass and making it easier to maintain.

Large muscles do not actually offer any benefits to survival, so they have to be actively maintained. You will never see massive slabs of muscle outside of the first world where there are abundant protein sources available. Generally, really strong tribal people are specimens of efficiency, not massive muscles.

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