Eli5- why if you have a blood disease can you not replace your blood?


Like if you have sickle cell or blood cancer or things can you not just like use a dialysis machine to take out your sick blood and do new clean blood?

In: 56

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You blood cells are constantly dying and being replaced, it’s not a closed system just recirculating the same blood. When you have a blood disease, that means the blood your body makes is defective. Even if you flushed out all your defective blood and replaced it with a full system worth of good healthy blood, that only serves you for a very short time (like weeks *maybe*) because as the cells in that healthy blood die, *all the blood your body makes to replace it is still going to be defective*. You’re back at square 1 very quickly.

In theory your idea works but the person would need huge and frequent transfusions of perfectly-compatible blood. There just isn’t enough available at this point.

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