Eli5 why in football do they always reference rest as beneficial to the defense?


So watching college football today the announcers always make a statement like “That drive took 10 minutes so the defense got a good rest”. How is that rest only beneficial to the defense and not for the opposing offense?

In: 744

32 Answers

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Offense controls what is happening on the field.

They can run plays that target fresh players and give tired players a bit of a break. They can sub players in an out based on how fresh they are.

The defense reacts to the offense. If their defensive backs are winded, the offense isn’t going to call a run play to give them a break. They will keep attacking the secondary. If a defensive player is a little banged up, the offense will target that player.

Sure, the defense can also substitute players, but only to an extent. If the offense comes out with five receivers and is throwing the ball deep, the defense needs to react accordingly.

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