Eli5 why is a number divided by zero undefined?


Example I have a pizza I cut it into zero pieces shouldnt it be still one whole pizza?
Since I didn’t cut it so it’s still whole

In: 0

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

By the way, division by zero isn’t undefined. It is infinity.

Think of division by 4. Each piece is of size 1/4. You have 4 pieces. Then think of division by 100. Each piece is 1/100. You have 100 pieces. Increase the number in a mental exercise. Division by infinity means each piece is 1/infinity. That is, cutting your pizza into slices that are each so thin that they have zero mass. How many slices will it take? Infinite. What is the size of each slice? Zero.
So 1/infinity = 0. Or 1/0 is infinity

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