Eli5 why is a number divided by zero undefined?


Example I have a pizza I cut it into zero pieces shouldnt it be still one whole pizza?
Since I didn’t cut it so it’s still whole

In: 0

19 Answers

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Because that’s what mathematicians agree on. Math is just a set of rules that people agree on. Nothing stops you from defining your own set of rules where pizza/0 equals pizza. Mathematicians do that all the time (I mean, not divide pizza by 0, but create “new” sets of rules :)), and it is even sometimes useful!

If we agree to use this common set of rules to describe how many slices of pizza you get after cutting, we need to acknowledge that we won’t get an answer to the question “how many pizza slices we get if we divide it by 0”. It’s a shame, but on the other hand we can easily and reliably answer the question with any other number different than 0. And dividing pizza by 0 is like… Why would you ever need that information since it physically cannot be done anyway 🙂

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