Eli5 why is a number divided by zero undefined?


Example I have a pizza I cut it into zero pieces shouldnt it be still one whole pizza?
Since I didn’t cut it so it’s still whole

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mathematically speaking

*anything* x 0 = 0

by reversing the multiplication into division (by dividing both sides by either 0 or *anything*) we can get

0 / *anything* = 0 and 0 / 0 = *anything*

(if you add so much nothing to nothing you still have nothing, if you try to divide nothing into pieces you still have nothing, if you try to measure how much nothing is in nothing you get a headache)

lets try a number divided by 0 with the assumption that a number divided by 0 does result in some number

*somethingA* / 0 = *somethingB*

if we reverse this division into multiplication (multiply both sides by 0) we get

*somethingA* = *somethingB* x 0

but we already know that any number multiplied by 0 becomes 0, so unless *somethingA* is 0 *somethingB* must somehow be something that does not give 0 when multiplied by 0, but there’s no number that can do that, hence undefined

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