Eli5: Why is caffeine often recommended for headache relief?


Eli5: Why is caffeine often recommended for headache relief?

In: 418

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two major reasons that I’m aware of. Firstly it causes vasoconstriction in the brain which stops headaches caused by vasodilation, which is a common cause of headaches.

Secondly it treats caffeine withdrawal which is another common reason of headaches

Anonymous 0 Comments

Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties. This means that blood vessels narrow to restrict blood flow, alleviating pain. Like others have said, too, caffeine increases the absorption and strength of painkillers when taken with caffeine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many “headaches” are just caffeine withdrawal symptoms. I used to get a bad headache every Sunday, because I drank coffee at work, but not on the weekends. So naturally caffeine works great on caffeine withdrawal headaches.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun related fact:

Excedrin (Extra strength) and Excedrin migraine have the exact same active ingredients.

They both contain the exact same amount of Aspirin, Acetometaphin, and Caffeine.

It’s marketing is the only reason why they have two different “brands.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nonserious answer: I kind of always assumed it was because so many people are caffeine addicted that a lot of headaches are caused by just not having enough in the system.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re having a headache, blood vessels change in such a way that there’s an increase in blood flow around the brain. This puts pressure on surrounding nerves, which causes the pain you feel.

Caffeine causes the blood vessels to narrow, so they aren’t pressing on those nerves. And when you take it with pain meds, it helps those meds work faster and better. That’s why Excedrin has aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Caffeine results in vasoconstriction. When taken the blood vessels in your head constrict, relieving the pressure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A fair number of headaches are caused by caffeine withdrawal when habitual caffeine consumers suddenly have a lower dose one day. Many don’t know they’re addicted until they miss their morning coffee.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In my personal case it’s because the cause for headache is low blood pressure and caffeine slightly increases the blood pressure.
I would bet that there are more reasons, but that is at least one.