eli5 :Why is Canada much more colder than Europe?


Eg: Paris is north of Montreal and is still much warmer than Montreal. Is it just gulf stream?

In: 5

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sea/ocean currents on the coast of Europe brings warm water up from the equator, but cold water is drawn down from the antarctic past the east coast of Canada

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. The ~~Gulf~~ jet Stream mediates most the other extreme weather you commonly see at that latitude. Montreal doesn’t have the benefit of warm gulf air

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. Ocean currents and prevailing winds (like the jet stream) do a huge amount of determining what a region’s climate is going to be like.

For as far north as the UK is, their climate is fairly moderate (not going to extremes in either direction) compared to places like the American Midwest where temps can go from -20F to 115F in the same year. The UK is much more solidly in the range of like 20F to 90F on average. This is largely because of the fact that the water surrounding Europe moderates the climate extremely well.

On the flip side, Canada essentially welcomes dry, cold air from the Arctic right down across it on a regular basis because of things like the Rocky Mountains and the jet stream.