eli5 Why is chicken meat not habitually used in meat preserves or charcuterie for example?


eli5 Why is chicken meat not habitually used in meat preserves or charcuterie for example?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

probably because there was never much need to preserve chicken meat. A chicken is small enough hat you can eat it all before it goes bad

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chicken doesn’t have enough fat. Beef and pork have lots of fat, even duck (which you mentioned) is much fattier than chicken. The fat acts as a glue, adds moisture during the curing process while retarding water that can breed bacteria, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chickens aren’t seasonal. The whole point of preserving a food is either that you can only get it certain times of the year (ducks migrate, oysters are no good in the summer, berries and fruits ripen only in summer, fish shoal at certain seasons) or that you slaughter it in the fall (a) so you don’t have to feed it all winter long and (b) because that’s when it gets cold to help you keep the meat. But chickens every culture has domesticated. A laying hen is worth more in eggs than she is in her carcass.