[ELI5] Why is it Germany, Italy, and Japan allied despite all believing themselves to be the superior races?


Why did Germany, Italy, and Japan ally despite themselves believing to be the superior race? Wouldn’t having aryans mixed with the Japanese a problem?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well they all kind of needed each other and were more ideologically similar than any of the allies. Mussolini and hitler were actually decent friends. Hitler allied with Russia too because he needed them off his back for awhile. He can and did change his mind latter. Same thing may have happened had the axis powers won, they all may have turned on each other trying to get world dominance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They were alliances of expediency.

Hitler had no love for the Japanese. He considered them an inferior race. But Germany had no serious short-term designs on that part of the world, and believed that Japan could help in case the USA joined the war. And possibly help make the USSR fight on two fronts after Hitler turned on them. (Hitler also hated Communists.)

Mussolini and Hitler had a friendly relationship, and Hitler felt that they could help in southern Europe/northern Africa. He had no doubt that they could be defeated later.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hitler wasn’t concerned with either of them in the short term as racial purity was not his goal, just a tool to control the hateful masses towards his real goals of expansion and German dominance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Axis Powers were a group of countries that fought together against the Allies in World War II. The three major Axis powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan.These countries had different reasons for joining the Axis. Germany and Italy were led by dictators who wanted to expand their countries’ power. Japan was trying to build an empire in Asia. The three countries also had similar goals. They all wanted to defeat the Soviet Union and Britain, two of the Allies.The Axis Powers had some success at first. They conquered many countries and fought the Allies for control of the seas. But eventually, the Allies began to turn the tide of the war. The Soviet Union stopped the German Army at Stalingrad, and the United States defeated Japan in the Battle of Midway. By 1945, the Allied armies were closing in on Germany from both east and west. Italy had already surrendered, and Japan was close to defeat. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered, and World