Eli5 Why is it good to put ice on injuries?


Isn’t the inflammatory process a good thing?

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Imflamation is good as it leads to an increased supply of blood to the affected area which allows it have the nessecary perfusion to aid in the healing process. Now it has an increased supply of nutrients, oxygen, and white blood cells to aid in repair. The swelling limits mobility and the pain we feels encourages us not to do anything stupid like running on it. This gives our bodies a chance to rest and repair.

The down side to imflamation is all of the above. Aside from the pain and limited movement an increase in imflamation can lead to long term issues where the muscles or tissues can weaken or atrophy from lack of use. There’s also increase of risk of heart disease but I’m not too clear on that part of the pathophysiology but I’m assuming it’s similar to the issues with clots.

Edit: Having thought about it Sepsis, Cellulitis, Necrosis yeah there are a bunch of complications.

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