Eli5 why is it hard to be still if I really need to pee?


Eli5 why is it hard to be still if I really need to pee?

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Your body has mechanisms to protect itself. You feel discomfort when you’re hungry or thirsty to drive you to take are of that need. The same is true when needing to evacuate your bowels or bladder.

When full your body sends chemical signals telling your brain it’s ready to be emptied. The longer you ignore those signals the stronger they become because the need only gets greater.

This discomfort is necessary to get you to go. Just like if you were laying in an uncomfortable position, this might lead to cramps or bruising, so you body tells you to move and get more comfy. Moving might alleviate some discomfort by distraction or pressure, but still doesn’t solve the problem.

Often if you are placed in a situation where you cannot use the bathroom because of other imminent danger, let’s say you’re getting chased by a hungry bear, your brain prioritizes what signals it responds to and sends out. This often leads to the signal that holds the flood gates shut to stop going out, leading to southernly flooding and/or landslides.

Ninja edit: added some detail to the second paragraph