Eli5 – Why is it so difficult to dig to the Earth’s core?


The most central part of the Earth’s interior would require drilling approximately which is 6,370 kilometers (20,898,950 ft)

The deepest drilling ever conducted in world history is only 12 kilometers (39370,1 ft)

Why is so hard and and is the effort worth it? Or we only will find more rocks ?

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10 Answers

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Drilling just 2 miles deep is like inflating a party balloon next to the Titanic.

The deeper you go in the ocean, it gets more and more pressure so almost no vehicles can go down there even with 6 inch thick walls. Well, rock does the same thing. and drills don’t have 6 inch thick wall. And rock weighs much more than water.

Yes, I know that the small radius of a Drill can hold back much more pressure, but it’s still true 3 or 4 miles down,

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