eli5 Why is it so important to „capture“ the capital city in a war?


Does it really change the outcome of the war? Does a country fall when the capital city is captured?

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40 Answers

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It will heavily depend on the country in question that needs to be captured.

Generally it would be symbolic, but it can very well be strategic as well. If the government is in that city, then you now control the shot callers who were stopping you. Which is effectively the win over most every country.

However, if they are not in the capitol it could still mean access to strategic information that was left behind. Things such as attack/defense maps or plans. Could also be equipment they couldn’t move with them. This can very well give you access to the stock piles of equipment in other places as well. Just getting information on what gear is held where.

Other than those reasons it is pure symbolism. It signifies to the people of that country that they have lost and usually hurts moral greatly.

An example of a country this wouldn’t work on though is the U.S. Even should DC be captured (which is already unlikely) each state has their own government and the military doesn’t need the government to command it to make strategic moves. All of that comes from the commanders of each division and unit. All of our secrets are held at different places and our equipment is also in different places. But adding onto that fact, the people fight hard here. So really you just remove the obstacles to getting the full force of the US military and the people of the US who would defend it. Rednecks picking off invaders at well over 500 meters, just for the fun of it.

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