eli5 Why is it so important to „capture“ the capital city in a war?


Does it really change the outcome of the war? Does a country fall when the capital city is captured?

In: 462

40 Answers

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If the goverment isnt too stuppid to flee/move, then you get them when you get the capital – and then u can pretty much dictate their policies AND then end of the war by making them surrender. If they move, there is normaly still vital agencies like the tax system and police main HQ, main court HQ and the offices of the ministries so you can cripple or hinder their ability to function and govern themself or have the resourses.

If they moved out and have decentralized their goverment body all around the country, there is still some pretty big bonus’ for capturing their capital. Normaly, the capital is the largest or one of the largest cities in the country, so you just in 1 swoop took a big part of their ppl as hostages (yes, you are not ment to do that by the geneve convention…. but just the treath of it is big… and not every1 actualy follows the geneva covention even though they agreed to it… just liik at Russia atm). And its a big symbolic thing to say ‘you couldnt even hold on to your own capital, you basicly just lost’ and its can be a major moral boost for your troops and moral lost for their troops.

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