It’s the language, partly. Brewed Tanzanian peaberry, for example, is a “sweet coffee.” It’s a bright, acidic bean of the species *Coffee arabica*. A nonsweet coffee would be *Coffee robusta* (has more caffeine, but tastes earthier). “Coffee” only refers to ground coffee beans steeped in water. For reference, all “coffee” is sweet or bittersweet if brewed and served correctly. If it’s actually bitter, then either you haven’t developed the taste buds for it yet, or something’s wrong (beans got stale, coffee was left on heat, etc).
A mocha is a dessert drink (or even “coffee drink”), made with mostly milk and sugar with a bit of chocolate and actual coffee bean in it. So pairing a cup of TP with a scone would make sense, but having two desserts is a bit overkill.
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