ELI5, why is it that we only breath through one nostril? Also, why does it feel like it’s more evident when laying on bed, about to sleep?


ELI5, why is it that we only breath through one nostril? Also, why does it feel like it’s more evident when laying on bed, about to sleep?

In: 10

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your sinuses do this automatically. You switch off one side and then the other to keep the passage way clean. One side is filtering the air while the other side is clearing out from when it was their sides turn. It’s a self maintenance system

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

[The nasal cycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_cycle?wprov=sfti1) has a lot of benefits, but primarily the alternation prevents over drying — which assists in humidification of the lungs and preserves olfactory senses.

Absent a cycle, both nostrils would tend to dry out and lead to more pervasive health issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you lay down on bed your blood pressure decreases, so the less activity on body makes the body to relieve itself from functioning thus the nose blockage occurs due to less temperature of body / inactivity of body.

Anonymous 0 Comments


We breathe through both nostrils. If you only breathe through one, you may have a slight blockage in the other.