ElI5: why is it that we tend to have more pot holes on street roads but not many on freeway or highways? 717 viewsApril 6, 2024EngineeringOther Question100.55K April 6, 2024 0 Comments ElI5: why is it that we tend to have more pot holes on street roads but not many on freeway or highways? In: Engineering 10 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted April 6, 2024 0 Comments There is probably a metre of engineered fill and a couple of hundred mm of asphalt of bound pavement on a highway vs 150-200mm of gravel and 20-30mm of asphalt on a public street. Also better drainage to prevent water getting under the pavement. You are viewing 1 out of 10 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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