Eli5: Why is it that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth for the first time in a couple days or more?


Edit: Sake of clarity, I suffer from a litany that all impact executive functions. As much as I regret to admit it, the extent of my personal hygiene is making sure my hair don’t dry Tf out or get too oily, and making sure I don’t smell like shit. Bare minimum. I’m an unkempt and wild looking person, which makes people tend to avoid me; which I personally don’t mind at all. However I’m fully aware that I have many issues which need working on. They’re holding me back in many ways, neglecting my body and my living space even worse. Didn’t mean to give a sob story lol, just to explain as to why I have issues like this.

In: 1509

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same. I know if people knew my personal hygiene they would be appalled. I know the struggle of doing simple personal hygiene things. Just know you are not alone and don’t beat yourself up over it. You made it to today and tomorrow is going to be fine, you got this!

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