Eli5: Why is it that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth for the first time in a couple days or more?


Edit: Sake of clarity, I suffer from a litany that all impact executive functions. As much as I regret to admit it, the extent of my personal hygiene is making sure my hair don’t dry Tf out or get too oily, and making sure I don’t smell like shit. Bare minimum. I’m an unkempt and wild looking person, which makes people tend to avoid me; which I personally don’t mind at all. However I’m fully aware that I have many issues which need working on. They’re holding me back in many ways, neglecting my body and my living space even worse. Didn’t mean to give a sob story lol, just to explain as to why I have issues like this.

In: 1509

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My gums would bleed when I brushed, and my dentist told me I had the beginning of periodontal disease. I had not gone in for a cleaning for a very long time (like a decade) because of money problems. She told me after a while the tartar hardens so you cannot remove it with a brush, and it acts like a splinter in your gums, irritating them and making them separate from your tooth. The only way to remove the plaque is by getting a cleaning from the hygienist.

If your gums bleed often it would be a good idea to see a dentist for a cleaning. They have a lot of different ways they can clean and repair your gums so that they don’t bleed anymore.

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