Eli5 why is mania bad?


I understand that this is considered a mental health disorder and I’m sure there is a reason why but Mayo Clinic says that mania is characterized by an extremely elevated and excitable mood. It sounds to me like I would enjoy being elevated and excited. Now I totally can see why depression would suck in the case of bipolar especially oscillating between the two, but unipolar mania is a thing too.

In: 27

32 Answers

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The doctor who diagnosed me mentioned a patient she’d dealt with who lost a whole week of time to a manic episode. Went from a committed relationship, office job, etc., to *employed in a brothel three states away* and had basically no memory of it.

I’ve never had a full-on manic episode. I had a fairly memorable hypomanic event back when I worked in restaurants, though. I worked something like 35 hours over the three days of Valentine’s Day weekend, slept maybe one-third of that, made an entire month’s rent in cash, and then spent *every dime I had* on flowers, chocolate, and jewelry for my new g/f. That was an experience.

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