Eli5 why is mania bad?


I understand that this is considered a mental health disorder and I’m sure there is a reason why but Mayo Clinic says that mania is characterized by an extremely elevated and excitable mood. It sounds to me like I would enjoy being elevated and excited. Now I totally can see why depression would suck in the case of bipolar especially oscillating between the two, but unipolar mania is a thing too.

In: 27

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My wife’s childhood best friend has bipolar, during her first manic episode she dropped out of college to start a business with no plan and no money. During a later manic episode she cheated on her husband with a guy twice her age. During another one she quit her job and tried to move across the country, again with no plan and no money.

These life altering decisions were made with zero prior thought, zero planning, zero consideration of the consequences. The time from idea to execution was typically 24-36 hours.

She takes her meds religiously now and is in a much better place. She is well aware that missing her meds for a few days could send her on a spiral that costs her everything she has worked for.

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