Eli5 why is mania bad?


I understand that this is considered a mental health disorder and I’m sure there is a reason why but Mayo Clinic says that mania is characterized by an extremely elevated and excitable mood. It sounds to me like I would enjoy being elevated and excited. Now I totally can see why depression would suck in the case of bipolar especially oscillating between the two, but unipolar mania is a thing too.

In: 27

32 Answers

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>extremely elevated and excitable mood…It sounds to me like I would enjoy being elevated and excited.

I think you’re underestimating the “extremely” part. Mania isn’t just “being elevated and excited”. *That* sounds good. Mania is more like

* being SO elevated and excited that you feel invincible and drive 50 over the speed limit. Maybe while belting along to a blasting radio because that feels great too. And so what if I close my eyes to nail the high notes, everything’s fineeee!!
* SO excited you don’t sleep for 3 days because this new show or hobby you just found is SO F****** GOOD.
* SO elevated you buy a new car or console or collectibles you can’t afford because WhoCaresLifeIsAmazingAndThisIsShinyAndIWantIt

It’s classified as a disorder when you’re not just “excited and elevated”, you’re *problematically, uncontrollably excited and elevated* in a way that causes problems.

Think of it kind of like how addictions are a disorder. “Liking alcohol” isn’t a mental disorder. When drinking starts causing problems in your life and relationships and you can’t control it, that’s alcoholism. Same way, just “being elevated and excited” isn’t a disorder either.

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