Eli5 why is mania bad?


I understand that this is considered a mental health disorder and I’m sure there is a reason why but Mayo Clinic says that mania is characterized by an extremely elevated and excitable mood. It sounds to me like I would enjoy being elevated and excited. Now I totally can see why depression would suck in the case of bipolar especially oscillating between the two, but unipolar mania is a thing too.

In: 27

32 Answers

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Most of the time people in mania episodes (specially when they don’t know what is going on with them) might be suceptible to do risky stuff or get in (immediate or future) trouble thanks to having more energy, being easily irritated or being impulsive.

They can also lose the ability to sleep well (or sleep at all) thanks to high energy levels which can also affect their capacity to think clearly and mental agility, and that has an impact on their relationships, work, school…and that creates more and more problems for the person.

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