Eli5: Why is mental illness/disorder a thing ?


Like, why do mental conditions exist?
And is there anything else besides physical and mental conditions?

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18 Answers

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Mental disorders come in three categories:

Aging disorders, like Alzheimer’s or dementia, are the result of a person’s brain breaking down over time. It’s the brain equivalent of old people having stiff joints.

Trauma disorders, like PTSD and similar disorders, are the brain’s overresponse to stressors. It’s the brain equivalent of scarring or autoimmune diseases; protecting a person from things that aren’t there (either ever, or any more).

Social disorders, like ADHD or Autism, are things that used to be good for some people to have; but don’t work in modern society. They’re the brain equivalent of wisdom teeth – they used to be good, are sometimes still good; but are more likely to cause problems than be useful.

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