Eli5: Why is mental illness/disorder a thing ?


Like, why do mental conditions exist?
And is there anything else besides physical and mental conditions?

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18 Answers

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Every organ in the body goes wrong sometimes.

We aren’t surprised when someone has heart problems or their lungs don’t work right or their liver fails or whatever else. We know the body isn’t a perfect machine and that things go wrong for no particular reason.

But for some reason when the brain doesn’t work right we’re surprised, or we assume it’s somehow that person’s fault. We shouldn’t be. The brain is by far the most complicated organ we have, so of course a lot of things can go wrong. It’s a mess of electrical signals and chemicals and of course signals can misfire or chemicals can end up unbalanced or they interact with the environment in a weird way.

We should stop thinking of mental conditions as entirely separate from physical, they’re not.

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