Eli5: Why is mental illness/disorder a thing ?


Like, why do mental conditions exist?
And is there anything else besides physical and mental conditions?

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18 Answers

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The exact origins of mental illness can vary. The brain is an incredibly complex system, so complex that we don’t even fully understand it yet.

Some disorders, such as autism, are developmental, meaning the brain is structured differently from the get go (which is also why autism isn’t curable, despite a certain company’s attempts to do so. Not gonna say the name, but it starts with A and ends with utismSpeaks)

Others, such as Alzheimers, occur as a result of brain damage. Specifically, Alzheimers occurs as a result of neural degeneration. Alzheimers, too, is not curable under current medical knowledge, though it might, at the very least, be possible to prevent the degeneration that it causes, and there is some research being done on the matter, though reversing the damage done is probably impossible.

Those are two of the big ones. There are also some, such as depression, that can develop over the course of your life, but can be cured. The causes for these vary depending on which one you are talking about. For instance, i’ve read that there is some debate within the scientific community about wether depression might be the result of a reaction to a nonexistant inflammation, as depression and inflammation share a surprising number of physical symptoms (Don’t quote me on that one though, i’m not an expert on any field that is remotely relevant to depression)

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