eli5: Why is putting down animals so much more acceptable than putting down humans?


eli5: Why is putting down animals so much more acceptable than putting down humans?

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9 Answers

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>In comments sections on articles about these drawn-out spectacles, one question comes up again and again: Why is it so hard to kill someone via lethal injection? After all, veterinarians manage to euthanize pets rapidly every day, with minimal discomfort. Why aren’t those drugs used in executions?
>Prison officials think the same way. The problem, however, is not that these drugs can’t be used on humans, for the most part. It’s with supply. Nearly every drug that prison officials turn to for lethal injections has been restricted from that use by manufacturers.

Just another take on lethal injection in humans vs. animals. [Source.](https://www.livescience.com/51389-why-lethal-injection-is-getting-harder.html)

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