[ELI5] Why is soda (pop) considered “bad” for you?


I get this all the time at the doctor’s office, but they never say what the particular mechanism is that *makes* it bad for you. So, what is it? Is it just “empty calories”? How can that have a negative impact on your kidneys (I hear a lot that drinking soda will give me kidney stones)?

I’m in ELI5, but ELI15 or even ELI25 would be preferred (non medical student level, though)

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imma not read through the comments below, but so many things wrong with soda/pop. If you’re female, please avoid them. You’re at a higher risk of osteoporosis, and many sodas aggravate that risk by including chemicals that heighten that risk. Just stop. Many sodas include chemicals that have an affinity for replacing calcium in your body – calcium that’s needed to keep you from gradually stooping over like the Hunchback by the time you’re in your 50s….just stop. Learn to drink juices, water, the tears of your enemies…anything but sodas (even diet sodas for fuck’s sake)

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