[ELI5] Why is soda (pop) considered “bad” for you?


I get this all the time at the doctor’s office, but they never say what the particular mechanism is that *makes* it bad for you. So, what is it? Is it just “empty calories”? How can that have a negative impact on your kidneys (I hear a lot that drinking soda will give me kidney stones)?

I’m in ELI5, but ELI15 or even ELI25 would be preferred (non medical student level, though)

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As everyone else has mentioned so far, the excess sugar is terrible for your health in the long-term. A single can of soda is said to exceed your daily requirement of sugar. There is another, insidious health effect it has–on your teeth. The sugar and carbonation will absolutely melt your teeth away, causing gum disease and cavities. In fact, Baby Bottle Syndrome was (and I’m sure still is) a major issue. Early infants and children develop awful cavities as a result of constantly consuming sugary drinks and soda through their baby bottles.

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