[ELI5] – Why is standing is more exhausting?


I was proctoring a classroom today and I was standing, and although I wasn’t doing anything but standing, I felt that I kept getting more tired.

Why do we get tired even though we do nothing but standing still?

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3 Answers

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Firstly in order to stand upright you need to tighten some muscles. For example to keep your knees from collapsing and to keep your torso from slumping forward. Even though the muscles are not changing shape they need to constantly use energy to maintain that force as they do generate more heat when tightened then when relaxed. And secondly you are not able to stay perfectly balanced but you will move slightly due to various things. Your muscles are very fast at correcting these movements by tightening or relaxing at even the slightest indication that you are moving. But this does also take some energy.

Standing does not normally take a lot of energy though so you should not be completely exhausted after standing a full day. But if you normally do not stand for long periods of time you do not have built up the muscles in the right way and the nerves are not optimized for keeping balance. So your muscles will end up running out of energy sooner and you will get exhausted.

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