Eli5: Why is the English language most common in this world?


Eli5: Why is the English language most common in this world?

In: 41

31 Answers

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A lot of it is influences through trade & colonialism. Some of it was forceful, I live in New Zealand & the Māori (indigenous) were barred from speaking their own languages. Their language was on the brink of extinction until that law was lifted not long ago. Best part about it is a lot of indigenous are re-learning their mother tongue, the sad thing about it is racism against them is probably worse today (scanning the New Zealand Herald Facebook Page you’ll find a lot of evidence to this claim). The indigenous of Australia had it worse though, because they weren’t given chances & were just killed and/or had their kids taken off them & sent to English schools. Which gave way for the “Lost Generations” of indigenous Australians. That ended in 1970s & lasted over half a century.

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