Eli5 why is the reason why people with Alzheimer’s Disease die?


What fails in the body?

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23 Answers

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My dad recently died of parkinsons. He had dementia, he was already 95% gone in his head.

On the death certificate, they listed the cause of death like so:

Cause of death: community acquired pneumonia caused by COVID.
Secondary causes: fraility caused by Parkinsons.

In fact, Parkinsons didn’t kill him directly, however if he didn’t have Parkinsons, he’d still be alive. He was an active man, working every day, always outside. But with dementia, he was asleep like 16 hours of the day, and sitting on a chair for the rest. He went outside for 5 minutes maximum. He ate very little. He was just a bag of bones at the end.

So due to dementia, he wasted away, became frail, and caught COVID. My mum got COVID at the same time, and she is extremely unhealthy, unlike my dad. However, COVID was very mild for her because she was still active and healthy enough to fight it off. They both had 3 COVID vaxs each already.

I like the quote: “The body can’t live without the mind.”

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