Eli5 why is the reason why people with Alzheimer’s Disease die?


What fails in the body?

In: 4352

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They die from complications, being bedridden. My personal experience is a neighbour who had an unmedicated schizophrenic daughter as a care taker. I can tell you that it was a shit show. Eventually the poor guy died from diarhhea or something like that related to dehydration. I’m glad that between his diagnosis and his death only 3 years passed, he was only bedridden a year. I’m sorry if someone in your family has it, brace yourself and be strong, its the worst of illnesses.

Edit, I hope you’re not up voting because you think I made a pun I just saw that! I didnt mean to make a pun it’s a sad situation. The poor woman was 52 and very unstable, she couldn’t handle it and we all had to be there

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