Radio transmission is achieved by charging and discharging an antenna, alternatively, with a low current high voltage. As a reaction, the ground of the antenna is also subject to high voltage ups and downs.
The radio transmission can induce currents on the phone body, the user, the car, or whatever other item.
Is it likely to cause a spark? No. An HF radio antenna full throttle will reliably spark if touched and will make the vehicle on which is mounted do sparks toward ground or other objects. But that’s a meter long, 100-1000watt antenna.
There are some videos of people setting fire the petrol station with a phone call, it’s a case in a billion but can happen.
Because it can happen, even if very unlikely, it’s common sense to warn people that it COULD, even if it’s very very rare.
So don’t do it but don’t be scared of it.
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