eli5: why is there not a “blood THC concentration” test to determine if someone is intoxicated/impaired right now?


Urine THC testing will return a positive result if the donor has used THC sometime recently, but not necessarily that they’re inebriated right now, whereas BAC tests can determine if someone is intoxicated at the time of the test. Is there a reason we don’t have “you are high right now” tests instead of “you smoked 2 weeks ago” tests?

In: 459

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I quit pot and was testing every day, it took 43 days to fully get out of my system.

If they implemented that, a big chunk of the population wouldn’t be able to operate a car ever, and thus, not work.

The government cares more about people working and paying taxes than it does anything else.

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