eli5: why is there not a “blood THC concentration” test to determine if someone is intoxicated/impaired right now?


Urine THC testing will return a positive result if the donor has used THC sometime recently, but not necessarily that they’re inebriated right now, whereas BAC tests can determine if someone is intoxicated at the time of the test. Is there a reason we don’t have “you are high right now” tests instead of “you smoked 2 weeks ago” tests?

In: 459

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

iirc the countries with the most sensible cannabis laws have their traffic police use tests that can at least determine if someone has consumed within the last 12 hours, it’s geared through the threshhold for the concentration it takes to trigger the test, though i don’t know how the tests are able to differentiate between heavy use longer ago and a small amount recently. i just remember the test threshhold being a contentious issue with car owning friends of mine who used regularly, and who often mentioned how much fairer testing practices in countries like the netherlands and portugal were.

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