eli5: why is there not a “blood THC concentration” test to determine if someone is intoxicated/impaired right now?


Urine THC testing will return a positive result if the donor has used THC sometime recently, but not necessarily that they’re inebriated right now, whereas BAC tests can determine if someone is intoxicated at the time of the test. Is there a reason we don’t have “you are high right now” tests instead of “you smoked 2 weeks ago” tests?

In: 459

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a blood test for THC concentration.

It’s expensive. So you better believe if it’s being done to you, you fucked up bad.

They can draw blood and run it through a GC-MS to know exactly the chemical make up, ppb in your blood stream.

Should you ever be pulled over for impaired driving while intoxicated on Marijuana, that is what will happen.

You will be given a field sobriety test, they will have probable cause go search your vehicle in most states. If you are arrested you will be given a blood test and that sample will be tested for ppb.

Piss tests for THC have a 20 nanogram cut off.

They aren’t actually testing for levels, it just goes hot when THC is detected. Literally second hand smoke inhalation can set those tests off. You can also easily dilute and manipulate those tests by just drinking water (and no. They can’t legally make you produce another sample, being hydrated is legal)

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