eli5: why is there not a “blood THC concentration” test to determine if someone is intoxicated/impaired right now?


Urine THC testing will return a positive result if the donor has used THC sometime recently, but not necessarily that they’re inebriated right now, whereas BAC tests can determine if someone is intoxicated at the time of the test. Is there a reason we don’t have “you are high right now” tests instead of “you smoked 2 weeks ago” tests?

In: 459

22 Answers

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The reason there are not tests to determine if someone is currently high is because THC remains in your system at detectable levels for a long period of time after use. Additionally, due to the effects of tolerance, a first time user requires far far less than a regular user, so much so that the regular user will have higher levels of THC while sober than a infrequent user will have while high off their gourd. This is because, unlike alcohol (and most other drugs), THC is fat soluble. This means it is absorbed into the fat cells, and slowly seeps back into the bloodstream for a prolonged period of time after consumption. This seepage from fat cells is why the regular user will have higher levels while sober than the infrequent user will have while high.

TL/DR: There is no known biomarker that tells us when someone is currently high.

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