Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?


Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?

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54 Answers

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It’s because the foreign aid is actually very little money. The famine issue can only be addressed by the government. Let’s say you are sleeping hungry every night. A stranger gives you 100 USD. That’s guaranteed to solve your hunger issues for a week or two. However, it cannot solve your problem permanently. You will steel need another 100 USD in a week or so.

If you got a job then you wouldn’t need the 100 USD every two weeks.

The famine issue then, can only be solved by the government of that nation. There’s no amount of foreign aid can solve it.

The foreign aid helps because we have some stupid governments in Africa. We have very corrupt leaders who use

I’m Kenyan.

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