Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?


Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?

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54 Answers

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First point is corruption, but we are not talking about the small scale everywhere corruption, but the large scale corruption of foreign aid. US pays foreign (development) aid to build a hospital. Now, the US doesn’t contract the builder, they contract a US company that takes half of the allocated money and contracts e.g. a south african company which takes half of the remaining half and contracts an ethiopian company, which now has 1/4 of what was initially allocated to build this hospital. Now they take their share, have to pay some brides to get building permits etc and finally, they hire a builder company in ethiopia which now has 1/20th of a share and not enough to build the hospital. Hospital isn’t build, although there was more than enough money to begin with.

Second point is companies like Nestlé, which simply take all of the water, so not a lot of crops can grow and to grow anything you would additionally need pesticides and fertilicer which are not just expensive, but also destroy the soil unless they are used continuously. So you get not that much food.

Third point: Climate change is real and already happening, so what used to be fertile land is now a desert. So less soil to grow things on.

Fourth point: Foreign Aid as US and EU did it was not really aid but just setting up ressource excavation points. We all heard about the Cobalt mines in congo for electric motors for example. Well, why aren’t factories right next to them? Because we enabled better ressource extraction, now take those resources but do not leave any knowledge. Another example is chocolate. Ghana is the second largest cocoa producer in the world, but its share of the 100bn chocolate industry is 2bn. As the second largest producer it is 2% of the total and you rarely see chocolate from Ghana in stores, because we take the resource and the manufacturing happens elsewhere.
There is also a huge brain drain, so the smartest people are convinced to come to US, Canada China and Europe.

Fifth point: Global market and global market agreements. Ghana produces a lot of tomatoes but you cannot make a living as a tomato farmer in Ghana. You used to be able, but now your tomatoes are bought in bulk from western countries and the market in Ghana is provided with subsidiced tomate paste or puree from e.g. the EU. Because Farmers in europe wouldn’t be able to compete with the prices from farmers in Ghana, when both produce is on the european market. So they get money, and so much money, that it is not worth it to sell their own tomatoes in europe, because you would need more quality checks and had waste if a customer had to look at it. Therefore you sell your subsidiced tomato to a tomato puree manufacturer who now has so many tomatoes and product that he sells his product not just in europe but ships it to the whole world ans also back to Ghana. For cooking and storing puree is the easier option, so people buy the puree. The tomato farmer in Ghana cannot sell their tomatoes in Ghana, because it is so much more expensive compared to the cheap puree. So they have to sell in bulk, which means lower prices per tomato. They can never compete with the subsidiced tomato puree, they do not see anything from the large margin of profit which leads to our prices in the stores and they therefore cannot build their own self sustaining economy.

So you have:
less and less fertile land/soil to grow things on,
less and less water because corporation like Nestlé (Quote of Peter Brabeck-Letmathe CEO of nestle 1997-2008: “[…] The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right.That means that as a human being you should have a right to water. That’s an extreme solution.”) buy the rights to water and simply do not leave for the people. Inside this also falls stuff like Palmoil, where the trees suck up all the water around so you cannot grow anything there and often for years destroy the soil.
And not actual development or foreign aid but just colonialism with a new color

And the thing I haven’t mentioned is wars, which also lead to famines.

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