Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?


Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?

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54 Answers

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Because receiving foreign aid doesn’t solve the problem of outside countries setting up shop there, buying land and workers for very cheap and having them use space that would normally be used to farm food or create their own exports to better other countries instead of themselves .

Imagine being a farmer that makes food for your whole town. Then, imagine an abusive partner forcing you to quit your job and use your own house, land, and money to cook, clean, and build a shoelace factory for your abuser and their friends 24/7. At the end of the day, there’s no time or resources left over for yourself, your town no longer gets food, but your govt and abuser are living fat on shoelace money and you get to help yourself to their scraps.

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