Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?


Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?

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54 Answers

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You are talking of Africa as one large entity. Instead it is a huge diverse continent with lots of countries facing different challenges. You have various different natural and social disasters happening at different places on the continent at different times. You have the same thing in for example the US where there are various different aid programs happening all the time, both by FEMA and even foreign aid programs. You have Canadian firefighters working in California fighting forest fires one month and the next month there are Canadian linemen working in Florida cleaning up after a hurricane. A similar thing is going on in Africa where you have drought in a part of one country one year and then the next year IS is trying to take over another country by force.

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