Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?


Eli5 Why is there still a famine in Africa despite the fact that they have been receiving foreign aid for decades?

In: 5

54 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could be because all their kings and queens are in America?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is there a specific country you are talking about? It’s so weird when speaking if Africa as one giant collective.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Give a man a fish…

Aid addresses the symptoms but not the underlying cause which is weak ineffectual authoritarian governments. Economic development occurs when governments are beholden to their citizens productivity and prosperity for tax revenue. Many African nations have exploitable natural resources that create vast wealth with relatively few workers required. This environment is ripe for abuse. Basically, the dictator doesn’t care if 90% of his population starves as long as the military and people exploiting the resource wealth on his behalf are kept fed at a subsistence level.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Give a man a fish…

Aid addresses the symptoms but not the underlying cause which is weak ineffectual authoritarian governments. Economic development occurs when governments are beholden to their citizens productivity and prosperity for tax revenue. Many African nations have exploitable natural resources that create vast wealth with relatively few workers required. This environment is ripe for abuse. Basically, the dictator doesn’t care if 90% of his population starves as long as the military and people exploiting the resource wealth on his behalf are kept fed at a subsistence level.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could be because all their kings and queens are in America?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem with food isn’t the amount of it it’s distribution. We can provide all the food you want but without the infrastructure to distribute it it’s pretty useless. Also over consumption in rich countries creates a higher demand and drives up prices pushing poorer countries out of the market

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could be because all their kings and queens are in America?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Global capitalism. Asia and the West are buying all their natural resources in an unbalanced trade relationship where the African countries have no bargaining power and the powerful countries can threaten to withhold food from the poor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem with food isn’t the amount of it it’s distribution. We can provide all the food you want but without the infrastructure to distribute it it’s pretty useless. Also over consumption in rich countries creates a higher demand and drives up prices pushing poorer countries out of the market

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem with food isn’t the amount of it it’s distribution. We can provide all the food you want but without the infrastructure to distribute it it’s pretty useless. Also over consumption in rich countries creates a higher demand and drives up prices pushing poorer countries out of the market