ELi5 Why is traditional electronic iron (for ironing clothes) doesn’t have on/off switch like other gadgets to enable it stay plugged into power socket (e.g overnight) while on. Essentially, I want to know why most irons have to switched on/off from the socket instead of the device.


ELi5 Why is traditional electronic iron (for ironing clothes) doesn’t have on/off switch like other gadgets to enable it stay plugged into power socket (e.g overnight) while on. Essentially, I want to know why most irons have to switched on/off from the socket instead of the device.

In: 6

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The electric iron normally equipped with a heater up to 2000W, so the switch are supposed to handle at least maybe 2.5kW~3kW. Lets say you live in 110/120V country, then you need a switch that rated at to 25A which is big and tight to press.

In addition, the already have thermostat as switch. So don’t need a second switch which is the weakest point.

Anonymous 0 Comments

imagine if you accidentally forgot to flip the switch and didnt realize
Thats why they make you unplug to power down.
Reduces accidental fire risks significantly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Im not sure what irons you are referring to. All the ones I’ve ever seen and used have a circular dial which lets you turn it on and then select the temperature you want. Everything is controlled at the iron nothing is controlled at the socket. I think the ones that you call traditional are probably the less expensive basic version of an iron, because like I said every iron I’ve ever seen has a dial that lets you not only select what temperature you want but turning it all the way clockwise turns it off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A safety feature – what other appliance has a big long cord and weighs a ton. Very easy to trip over it, it falls on you etc. Its an appliance you should be either using, or in a cupboard safely out of the way