Eli5 – why is type 1 diabetes typically diagnosed in childhood from ages 4-6 or 10-14? What’s the significance of those age gaps?


Eli5 – why is type 1 diabetes typically diagnosed in childhood from ages 4-6 or 10-14? What’s the significance of those age gaps?

In: 27

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

The only thing I see relating to your claim is a CDC page saying the peak age of diagnosis 13-14 and says nothing about 4-6.

But generally if it’s showing symptoms early on, 4 years old is around the time a child can start giving good descriptions about what they’re experiencing and increase chances of accurate diagnoses.

If it doesn’t show symptoms early on, puberty and the hormonal fluctuations can trigger symptoms.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Type 1 diabetes is the pancreas not being capable of producing sufficient insulin or sometimes any insulin. Sometimes this is something done that occurs very young or from birth and is discovered between the ages of 4-6 because that is when kids begin to communicate well enough that the diagnosis can be made.

Other times it is something that triggers the failure. The 10-14 one is puberty triggering the failure. There is also a less common transition point in the mid 20s that also has to do with hormone shifts that can trigger it too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body changes because you stop being an infant, then your body changes because you start puberty.

Anonymous 0 Comments
