Eli5: Why is Urban warfare feared as the most difficult form of warfare for a military to conduct?


Eli5: Why is Urban warfare feared as the most difficult form of warfare for a military to conduct?

In: 1719

39 Answers

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So many reasons! I’ll put it this way though, imagine busting through a door in an unknown room in an unknown building, with an unknown number of fighters/civ pop on the other side.

If you are in defence of the room all you have to focus on is the doorway/entry.
If you are attacking the room you have a whole load of information to take in and rely back.
You don’t just have the doorway to aim at.

As you approach the door you may get shot at through the door or walls.
As you enter the door your focus is facing forward, then sweeping left or right as you step into the room. The enemy doesn’t have to pick a target. All they have to do is fire at the doorway!
Which is why the first person through the door gets the nickname “the sandbag.”
If you enter you can fit 2 people through a door but the enemy can have X amount of people in the room in an unbelievable amount of defensive positions. (See pic(picture is a well done but basic! Defended house))
https://www.google.com/search?q=defended+house+military&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwidoreZ3bD5AhV_g84BHWu9A8oQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=defended+house&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgIIKVAAWABg3Q1oAHAAeACAAX2IAX2SAQMwLjGYAQDAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=25btYt3IOv-Gur4P6_qO0Aw&bih=512&biw=320&client=ms-android-tcl-rvo2b&prmd=nisv#imgrc=jOtAWMQY2yTSjM You may step into the room and take fire from 3 enemy to you front. If you get lucky enough that you drop those 3 you may get popped from behind the door!
This is why clearing from the doorway is preferable. However this is structure and situation dependent
If you’re lucky and not worried about civilians, and providing the structure is thick enough that you don’t frag yourself through the walls. The best way is to grenade prior to entry if possible. However even if possible this doesn’t guarantee results.

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