Eli5: why is volcanic ash dangerous to aircraft, and yet they can fly through forest fire smoke?


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36 Answers

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Engines are millions of dollars each, and flying through volcanic Ash ruins them completely. The others have mentioned how. Not only do the engines themselves cost money to replace even if the plane lands safely, the plane won’t be allowed to fly passengers with completely new engines without a long procedure of test flights to recertify the aircraft as safe. That’s a ton of profit lost on top of the risk to human life.

The volcanic Ash will cause all engines to fail with enough time. And depending on what else happens, the plane very well could crash just from that. There’s a chance that the engines can be restarted if the rock formed inside can be broken or remelted. But you can’t know that in the moment. The volcanic ash also sandblasts the windscreen and the pilots can no longer see out of their windows. Doesn’t sound like a big deal but when there’s no engine power there may not be electrical power to the autopilot or systems that guide the plane to land.

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