eli5: Why is water clear in small amount but blue in large amount like an ocean?


I thought it might be the reflection from the sky but if that was the case, why does the ocean appears more blue the deeper you go?

In: 2918

28 Answers

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It’s not the reflection of the sky. Indoor swimming pools with white tiles still look blue so it can’t be that right?

The reason is that water itself **is** blue, but only very faintly. So a cup of water still is blue, it’s just too pale for your eyes to notice it. When there’s a thicker path of water to look through like a big swimming pool, the pale blue is noticeable. And with an even thicker amount of water to look through like the ocean the blue looks even darker.

It’s like how looking through a pane of glass, glass looks clear. But if you look into the edge of a sheet of glass (so that you’re looking through several feet of glass) you can see that [it’s actually green](https://camblab.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/float-glass-300×193.jpg). It’s just so pale a green that light passing through only a 1/4 inch thick window doesn’t look very green.

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